Unlocking DOD funding: Tips for creating proposals for the agency
Sept. 13, 2024

— Tucson, AZ —
National security-related funding opportunities can seem daunting, and applying for DOD funding is different than working with NIH or NSF. Let's take a look:
- Applying to DOD agency announcements and opportunities often includes a few more forms than you may be accustomed to, and white papers, or pre-proposals, are usually encouraged or required. The good thing about this is PIs get immediate feedback before investing in creating a full proposal.
- The DOD funds a wide range of research areas crucial to national security, including those that may not seem immediately related. For instance, climate resilience and breast cancer research are among the funded areas. Importantly, basic research is highly valued in the national security field.
- While classified research does occur and is an opportunity, most DOD research is unclassified.
- Program Managers and Officers communicate with prospective PIs and maintain ongoing relationships with PIs they know and work with. Communication and relationships — which take time and are unlikely to form three weeks before the due date — are crucial to one’s success with national security-related funding.
- Collaborations and letters of support from DOD agencies are gold for the proposal writer, as they demonstrate an interest from the ultimate stakeholders: the DOD and the warfighter.
- National security organizations, including the DOD, are driven by their mission. The mission guides all decisions, including how research is funded. Therefore, a successful proposal must clearly demonstrate how the research will contribute to the DOD's national security mission; project officers will be looking for this alignment in all submissions.
And the best tip of all:
- Your National Security Initiatives (NSI) team, part of Research Development Services (RDS), is eager to assist you in expanding your national security research or exploring these opportunities.