This page highlights opportunities originally posted in Initiatives, our Community of Practice newsletter.
Threat Weapons & Effects (TWE) Training 2025
The Joint Combat Assessment Team (JCAT) will host the 2025 Threat Weapons & Effects (TWE) Training at Eglin Air Force Base (AFB), FL. This annual training event is a collaborative effort between JCAT, DEVCOM Analysis Center, Naval Air Systems Command, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Missile and Space Intelligence Center, National Ground Intelligence Center, and other agencies. The training draws information from threat exploitation, live fire testing, and combat experience to provide a complete picture of threat lethality.
April 29 - May 1, 2025 l Eglin Enlisted Hall 1760 Memorial Trail Eglin AFB, FL 32542
Funding Opportunity Announcement ONR STEM Program
Seeks to support STEM education and workforce opportunities in ONR science and technology areas.
Applications Due April 4, 2025
Department of Army Energetics Basic Research Center (EBRC) Fiscal Year 2025
Seeks to increase the Army’s knowledge in energetic materials (EM).
Applications Due April 7, 2025
AFRL FY25 Compositional Optimization, Dynamical Systems and Control (CODAC) UNIVERSITY CENTER OF EXCELLENCE
Aims to stand up a University Center of Excellence (COE) for “Compositional Optimization, Dynamical Systems and Control (CODAC) with education institutions.
Applications Due: April 7, 2024
Intends to investigate how synthetic and biological components can be integrated to enable biohybrid platforms that outperform traditional robotic systems.
Application Due: April 7, 2025
Department of Defense Releases FY 2026 DURIP Solicitations
DURIP is an annual program under DOD’s University Research Initiative (URI) that provides acquisition funding for equipment and instrumentation used to support defense-related research activities. Although not appropriate for construction, building support systems, fixed equipment (i.e. clean rooms or fume hoods), or salary-related expenses, DURIP funding intends to support the purchase of major, state-of-the-art equipment (from $50,000 to $3 million) that augments current research institutions’ capabilities or develops new capabilities to perform cutting edge defense research in disciplines of importance to DOD.
Proposals Due April 11, 2025
Grants to Military-Connected Local Educational Agencies for Academic and Support Programs and the World Language Advancement and Readiness Program
Seeks to support eligible entities in the development, improvement, and expansion of world language study programs at public schools in a local education agency (LEA) that hosts Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC)
Application Due: April 18, 2025
Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Department of Defense (DoD) Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP)
Seeks proposals from universities to support the purchase of equipment and instrumentation in areas of interests of the DoD.
Application Due: April 25, 2025
Microsystems Technology Office (MTO) Office-Wide Broad Agency Announcement
HR001124S0028 Microsystems Technology Office (MTO) Office-wide Broad Agency Announcement
Neutralization In Challenging Environments Using Lethal Effects (NICELE)
Seeks to develop payloads that enable ExMCM forces to combat deep water wines and Water-borne Improvised Explosive Devices (WBIED)s.
Application Due: May 12, 2025
Tactical Technology Office (TTO) Office-Wide Broad Agency Announcement
Seeks proposals to rapidly develop advanced manufacturing capabilities.
Applications Due: June 20, 2025
Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Department of Defense Multidisciplinary Research Program of the University Research Initiative (MURI)
Seeks to leverage interdisciplinary teams to understand and achieve revolutionary breakthroughs on behalf of the warfighter and are focused on accelerating high-risk basic research in science, economic growth, and military technology.
Application Due: August 5, 2025
FY25 Department of the Navy (DoN) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education and Workforce Program
Seeks to cultivate an innovative STEM workforce capable of maintaining the Navy’s technological capabilities.
Applications Due: August 29, 2025
FY25 Long Range Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for Navy and Marine Corps Science and Technology
Seeks to advance and improve the operations of the Navy and Marine Corps.
Application Due: September 3, 2025
Bilateral Academic Research Initiative (BARI) Program – Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE)
Seeks to address high risk basic research as through international collaboration with research institutions in the Republic of Korea.
Applications Due: August 29, 2025
NSWC Dahlgren BAA
Seeks basic and applied research proposals that align with its mission and follow specific topic areas.
Application Due: October 14, 2025
Information Innovation Office (I2O) Office-Wide
Seeks new research ideas for topics not currently addressed in ongoing I20 programs.
Application Due: October 29, 2025
Exploration Announcement (EA) for its Advanced Research Concepts (ARC) Initiative
Seeks to answer high-risk/high-reward questions that assess the impact of further investment on problems of importance to DOD.
Application Due: November 26, 2025
ERDC Broad Agency Announcement
Seeks research and development proposals geared towards various topics related to the environment and technology
Application Due: December 31, 2025
Foundations of Trusted Systems
Solicits white papers to develop secure, resilient and affordable computational systems and software.
Application Due: December 5, 2028
Automated Processes for Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Solicits research to process multi-source and open-source decision processes.
Application Due: September 9, 2029
Air Dominance Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)
Seeks proposals that will transfer basic research into state-of-the-art solutions for systems and components that will lead to new operation capabilities.
Application Due: October 31, 2029
Fundamental Research to Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction
Seeks ideas to contribute to the current knowledge base or advance ground-breaking technology for countering weapons of mass destruction (C-WMD) threats.
Application Due: September 30, 2034
FY 26 DURIP Solicitation Released
The Department of Defense (DOD) released solicitations for the fiscal year (FY) 2026 Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) competition. DURIP is an annual program under DOD’s University Research Initiative (URI) that provides acquisition funding for equipment and instrumentation used to support defense-related research activities. Although not appropriate for construction, building support systems, fixed equipment (i.e. clean rooms or fume hoods), or salary-related expenses, DURIP funding intends to support the purchase of major, state-of-the-art equipment (from $50,000 to $3 million) that augments current research institutions’ capabilities or develops new capabilities to perform cutting edge defense research in disciplines of importance to DOD.
DOD anticipates awarding approximately $34 million under the FY 2026 DURIP competition, with individual awards ranging from $50,000 to $3 million. DOD recommends that proposers review each Service’s research interests to align proposals with DOD research needs. Questions to respective Services’ Program Managers concerning the solicitations are encouraged and must be submitted by April 11, 2025. Appropriate points of contact can be found in each of the Service’s respective BAAs. Full proposals should be submitted no later than April 25, 2025. More information can be found here.
DARPA Special Notice of Future Solicitation
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO) released a Special Notice (SN) for a forthcoming program entitled RESTORE. RESTORE will aim to optimize the cognitive performance of warfighters after the 3-hour sleep restrictions that commonly occur during combat operations. It will test non-invasive neuromodulation technologies with the aim of understanding the importance of sleep micro-architectures and sleep efficiencies. A solicitation for this opportunity has not been posted but will be available at The special notice is available here.
AFOSR Releases Solicitation on Novel Qubits
AFOSR notes that the topic areas sought in this funding opportunity are independent from research interests described in their open broad agency announcement (BAA), working more specifically to discover qubit approaches that advance fault-tolerant quantum computing capabilities (FTQC). AFOSR is interested in understanding the functions new qubits can serve and the method of integration into “plausible FTQC systems.” The NOFO contains two themes, 1) New Qubits, covering underdeveloped or novel systems, and 2) Renew Qubits, which seeks to uncover fabrication methods that advance qubit functions to increase utility. These systems should be designed to meet specific criteria for fault tolerant computing, and interested proposers are encouraged to review the listed standards to determine what systems optimize response to all criteria included in the proposal. Full descriptions of the themes and timelines for expected efforts are included in the NOFO. AFOSR anticipates making at least eight awards for up to $750,000 per year for up to five years, for a total award value of up to $3,750,000. Pre-proposal inquiries should be submitted no later than April 11, 2025, and full proposals must be submitted no later than May 12, 2025, at 11:59 PM. The full solicitation can be found on under the funding opportunity number “NOFOAFRLAFOSR20250004.”
National Research Council (NRC) Fellowship Opportunities
The National Research Council (NRC) offers a range of fellowship programs at the DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory (ARL) to support research and academic collaboration. The fellowship types are:
- Postdoctoral Fellow: For researchers within 5 years of earning a PhD.
- Senior Fellow: For researchers with more than 5 years post-PhD experience.
- Short-Term Fellow: Open to Postdocs or Senior Fellows for research assignments at ARL lasting up to 20 weeks.
- Davies Fellow: For faculty at the U.S. Military Academy (USMA) who also conduct research at ARL.
- ARL Distinguished Fellow: (Under development) A three-year fellowship allowing recipients to define their own technical research focus. Awardees will be selected by ARL Fellows.
Multiple Deadlines
DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory Fellowship Programs
The DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory (ARL) offers Fellowship Programs to prepare science and engineering researchers for future challenges. Fellows engage in meaningful research and education at a leading facility while supporting ARL's mission. Fellowships may include:
- Stipend and health insurance supplement.
- Relocation and travel allowances.
- Opportunities at all DEVCOM ARL locations, open to U.S. and non-U.S. citizens.
Fellows conduct impactful basic and applied research under ARL advisors, bringing fresh perspectives to maintain ARL’s leadership in science and technology. Programs are flexible, running from several weeks to a year, with renewals available for up to three years. The fellowship types are:
- Postdoctoral Fellow: Less than 5 years post-PhD.
- Senior Fellow: More than 5 years post-PhD.
- Short-Term Fellow: Up to 20 weeks for Postdocs or Senior Fellows.
- Journeyman Fellow: Undergraduate degree or in graduate studies.
- Summer Student Program: For undergraduates or non-PhD participants.
Multiple Deadlines
The NDSEG Fellowship is a prestigious and highly competitive program designed to support U.S. citizens and nationals pursuing doctoral degrees in one of 15 STEM disciplines relevant to the Department of Defense (DOD). Sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), Army Research Office (ARO), and Office of Naval Research (ONR), the fellowship offers flexibility for recipients to study at any U.S. institution.
The benefits include full tuition coverage, a monthly stipend, and up to $1,000 for medical insurance. The program lasts for three years, and applicants must demonstrate exceptional aptitude for advanced training in science and engineering, with plans to pursue a doctorate in a DOD-relevant field.
Multiple Deadline
The Defense Theat Reduction Agency (DTRA) released a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for Fundamental Research to Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction (FRCWMD). DTRA seeks to protect America and its allies from weapons of mass destruction and “provides capabilities to reduce, eliminate, and counter the threat and effects from chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high yield explosives.” The goal of this BAA is to gather ideas and pre-application white papers that will contribute to the current knowledge base or advance ground-breaking technology for countering weapons of mass destruction (C-WMD) threats. This announcement will remain open from October 1, 2024, to September 30, 2034. When additional topics are published, they will include instructions on “topic-specific” deadlines and details about award types, dollar amount, and eligibility.
DOD SkillBridge
Through SkillBridge, the University of Arizona helps military personnel within 180 days of release from active duty develop the next step of their careers. The university offers an excellent and broad array of placements that serve as launch pads to employment in the individual’s field of choice.
Military installation and unit commanders, university entities seeking workforce talent, and service members considering SkillBridge should not hesitate to contact RDS SkillBridge & Workforce Development Administrator, Terrence Higgins.
DoD SkillBridge Program Update
In October 2024, the University of Arizona’s DoD SkillBridge Program hosted its quarterly event to providing faculty and staff with an opportunity to learn about the program and explore the benefits of hiring service members transitioning from military to civilian careers.
The workshop featured Blaze Smith, director of the U of A VETS Center and SkillBridge supervisor, and Brandon Sisco, a former SkillBridge participant.
The Homeland Defense & Security Information Analysis Center (HDIAC) is pleased to announce and provide you with the latest edition of the HDIAC Digest. This issue features information on advanced neuroimaging techniques for traumatic brain injuries, 3-D-printed human tissue, CBRN defense vehicle upgrades, and more.
The Digest is a monthly publication distributed to over 30,000 defense community members, providing those in the Science and Technology community with a greater awareness of the latest research and development trends in the eight technical focus areas supported by HDIAC while also highlighting recent HDIAC activities, services, and products. We hope you find the information in this Digest interesting and enjoy the issue! If you would like to be featured in our Digest, email us at